Cyborg Wasteland

Image by Mónica Celeste. Still from documentation video.

Cyborg Wasteland (2023)
Multidisciplinary Art Event
Organising & live visuals
Collaboration with Q.U.N.T. - the queer community of uniarts and their friends, Space Blossom and MYÖS Collective

We want to make 2023’s dancefloor a utopian, 
cosmic spacewhere the human-machine divide, and essentialist binaries seize to exist…
where you can dance blissfully with your eyes closed...
where sensitive and friendly beings are there to meet your gaze when you open them…

Taking inspiration from The Xenofeminist Manifesto’s nonbinary queer feminism and the dichotomy abolishing Cyborg Manifesto, we want to channel a space-themed cosmic aesthetic musically and visually. We aim to bring you a curated selection of eclectic and genre-fluid music to dance to in your shiniest cyborg outfits. Our Vjs will be creating interactive videos together with the audience and projecting 3D cyborg-inspired graphics.
Poster by Nunu Anundi

Image by Mónica Celeste. Still from documentation video.
Image by Mónica Celeste. Still from documentation video.
Image by Mónica Celeste. Still from documentation video.
Image by Mónica Celeste. Still from documentation video.

Image by Mónica Celeste. Still from documentation video.

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